6 thoughts on “Hugo says East Devon is a safe seat for him

  1. He must be even more worried than we thought, these are the actions of a desperate candidate.


  2. I think that Hugo might be a bit more believable when he makes these claims (or when he says that independent MPs have no influence) if he had actually taken ANY real interest in what was happening in East Devon or if the people of East Devon felt he would represent their views and do something about their issues in the future.

    But when he drops by East Devon for an election “visit” (rather than living here) and tells the swathes of people who think that Claire Wright (who actually lives in East Devon and) who will actually represent them that his seat is safe, I guess we can see this for what it really is – either a desperate claim to prop up a failing election campaign (if he is really aware of what is happening) or more likely yet another delusional claim (if, as I suspect, he hasn’t a clue about the strength of feeling against him).


    • P.S. If he seat is so safe, then presumably he won’t mind at all if the occasional disaffected citizen votes for Claire – after all one vote will only be a tiny dent in his massive ego … oops sorry … I mean massive majority.


  3. Hugo misses the point in trumpeting this news. What has turned off so many voters is the presumption that there is such a thing as a safe seat and that the incumbent has some sort of seigniorial right to it.

    It is not HIS seat.

    He takes little interest in his constituents and doesn’t even live anyway.

    Claire offers a real alternative to “none of the above”. Someone who would vote on behalf of her constituents.


  4. One thing I love about the Express and Echo page is that this letter from Mr Swire is shown alongside a “From the Web” block which says “Video: East Devon MP Hugo Swire filmed making jokes about people on benefits…”.

    So every time someone views his letter, they are immediately reminded what an insensitive candidate he is.


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