Talaton report October/ November 2013/


Two outline planning applications for 10 and for 25 houses were supported by Talaton Parish Council despite a majority of residents voting NO to both in the PC’s questionnaire. Complaints have been made to EDDC about procedural problems in the consultation process but they do not intend to investigate. Over 90 objections to the applications have been received by EDDC, indicating success by the residents group in getting the message across, but it seems impossible to get any redress over the actions of the PC or EDDC.


Over 130 objections were lodged against a planning application to cover 73 acres of farm land in Whimple with solar panels. The County archaeologist and CPRE added their voices to those objecting and on this occasion District Councillor Martin Gammell also objected. Whimple PC stressed the importance of maintaining the green wedge and stated that four solar farms already either built, under construction or awaiting planning within a five mile radius was quite enough.

Talaton PC is remaining very quiet about the results of the questionnaire which did not go their way. Not a word appeared in the Calendar (parish magazine). Meanwhile, it appears that ‘secret talks’ have been held with another developer for a different site in Talaton, but the PC have not publicised this either so it has been difficult to verify!

Public consultation on EDDC’s draft Villages Development Plan ..now in progress.

Deadline for comments is 12 noon on Monday 10 March 2014.

Details below, in e-mail circulated by EDDC’s Planning Policy Manager:

Dear Sir or Madam
Consultation on the Draft Villages Development Plan Document (DPD)
East Devon District Council has produced a Draft Villages Development Plan Document (DPD) for consultation. This plan sets out Council proposals for where development in East Devon villages and smaller settlements (as identified in Strategy 27 of the New East Devon Local Plan 2006-26) is proposed. The DPD complements the main Local Plan and sets out policies and boundaries for developments at those settlements proposed for housing growth. It also includes some local village policies.
Views are sought of the public, community groups and organisations, businesses and any other interested bodies or individuals on proposed sites and policies for development at East Devon villages and at Greendale and Hill Barton business parks. The Draft Villages DPD and Representation Form will be available to view at the Council Offices, libraries around the District and online at www.eastdevon.gov.uk/villagedpd.
Representations can be made by filling out and returning a representation form or writing to Villages DPD, Planning Policy, East Devon District Council, Knowle,Station Road, Sidmouth, Devon, EX10 8HL, emailing localplan@eastdevon.gov.uk, or by clicking on RefPoints in an electronic version of the plan (you must be connected to the internet to do this). Please see the Villages DPD and Guidance Note at the end of the Representation Form for further details.
The closing date for receipt of representations is 12 Noon on Monday 10 March 2014. Please note that representations received after this time/date may not be taken into account. The intention is that feedback received will inform a revised draft of the plan that will be produced later this year.
Yours faithfully
Matthew Dickins