East Devon council housing – 260 plus homes will have to be sold off

Can anyone explain why East Devon has to sell off more than twice as many council houses as the whole of Cornwall, four times as many as Bournemouth, Wiltshire, Cheltenham and Stroud and Exeter and seven times as many as Mid Devon, not to mention thirteen or fourteen times as many as Swindon, Gloucester and Sedgemoor? It can’t be explained by relative general house prices surely?  And why in order for housing association tenants to get up to £100,000 to buy THEIR homes?

To put it into another context – you would have to add up all the council housing to be sold in Sedgemoor, Gloucester, Swindon, Mid-Devon, Stroud, Cheltenham, Taunton Deane AND Exeter (286) to overtake just East Devon (262)!

TOTAL (South West) 1440 1.4%

Bristol, City of 374 1.3%

East Devon 262 6.1%

Poole 259 5.7%

Cornwall 111 1.1%

Bournemouth 71 1.4%

Wiltshire 71 1.3%

Exeter 70 1.4%

Taunton Deane 62 1.1%

Cheltenham 59 1.3%

Stroud 57 1.1%

Mid Devon 31 1.0%

Swindon 6 0.1%

Gloucester 5 0.1%

Sedgemoor 2 0.0%
