Devolution questions – does our LEP really exist? Or is it a figment of crazed imaginations?

Who chose the members of our Local Enterprise Partnership? It seems to just have arrived one day fully-formed.

Did they put themselves forward?
Were they approached?
How many people were considered?
Who decided how many people would be chosen?
How many applied/were approached?
Who decided which ones to appoint?
What were the criteria used?
Are they being paid?
If so, how much?
Are they on contracts?
If so, for how long?
What about conflicts of interest?

Owl awaiting a response from our LEP with great interest

P.S Anyone ever RECEIVED a letter, with letterheading and contact details from our LEP? Or a personal email from someone at the LEP? Owl’s email address is at the top of this blog.

Does it exist or is it a figure of our collective nightmares!

Do the Emperors have clothes?

One thought on “Devolution questions – does our LEP really exist? Or is it a figment of crazed imaginations?

  1. I had this letter published in the Budleigh Salterton Journal in December 2015

    “Many of you may not be aware that there is a move for Devon and Somerset County Councils, Torbay and Plymouth to work together to bid for devolved powers. The bid is being run by something called the South West Local Enterprise Partnership which has set itself the task of determining the future of the two counties for the next generation.

    So who is on the board of this partnership and how representative of the people are the members?

    Of the 21 board members THREE, yes, only three, are women. Even the boards in the City of London aspire to 33 percent female membership, double that. However, the following are well represented: the defence industry; consultants; further education and of course property consultants. There is no representation from agriculture, the countryside or from our diverse heritage which is the very essence of Devon and Somerset.

    One also wonders how many of the Board were born in the two counties and also at the lack of any representation from ethnic minorities.”


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