General election in Honiton and Sidmouth – Greenpeace advice

A correspondent received this communication from Greenpeace which is equally applicable to Exmouth & Exeter East – Owl

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 ‘At this election, Honiton and Sidmouth could be a close race so your vote is powerful.  To help you cut through the political spin, we’ve teamed up with Friends of the Earth to comb through the parties’ manifestos and reveal who’s really standing up for the future of our planet. Everyone has to make their own choice about how to vote. But if climate and nature is a priority for you, we hope you find this helpful. 

Key points to know: 

Across the main UK-wide parties, the Green Party tops our list for its climate and nature plans, followed by the Liberal Democrats, Labour, and lastly, the Conservatives.

A poll last week suggests it is most likely to be either the Liberal Democrats or the Conservatives that win in your area.[1] 

We found a big gap between these two parties on their plans and have scored the Liberal Democrats over six times higher than the Conservatives on climate and nature.

Commitments from the Liberal Democrats that are particularly promising include raising money through wealth taxes to invest in green homes, better public transport, nature restoration and more support for developing countries. The party also has an excellent plan to tackle sewage in our rivers and seas. Sadly, they have not committed to an end to oil and gas licences or to ratify the Global Oceans Treaty – both areas they need to go further on. 

The Conservative Party’s manifesto is worrying reading. They’re doubling down on oil and gas when increased dependence on gas will result in higher bills, more energy price shocks and an increase in our climate-wrecking emissions. It’s good news that they would ratify the Global Oceans Treaty swiftly, but there’s no credible plan to stop sewage in our rivers and seas.

Polling day is Thursday 4 July – use your vote and remember you need ID.
Want to get the full picture on where parties stand?
Read the guideRead and share this guide on voting for climate and nature at this election
Thank you for joining me in demanding a greener, healthier country for us all.  In hope and solidarity, BeckyGreenpeace UK 

P.S. Have you signed up to be a climate voter? Our movement will be holding the new government to account beyond the election and we need your help to do it. Join us here. [1] Polling from YouGov released on 19 June

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