Place your bets!

Betting on the election is very much in the news, so Owl has been checking out the odds for Exmouth & Exeter East to see what the betting community makes of this first past the post race.

Not that Owl was considering a bit of a flutter, you understand.

This confirms the view, emerging from the polls, that this is seen as a two horse race.

The most popular bets seem to give the Lib Dems, at the moment, a bit of a “nose” over the Tories and confirms that Labour is very much one of the outsiders.

[For those like Owl unfamiliar with the betting scene and wanting to convert odds to implied probabilities here is an online calculator.]

The most popular bets being cast at the moment (in descending order of bets being placed) are:

Lib Dems (13/8)

Reform (10/1)

Labour (10/1)

Conservatives (15/8)

Green (300/1)

2 thoughts on “Place your bets!

  1. Thanks Owl. I took noticed this some days ago. The bookies seem to have a much clearer idea of what’s going on than most of the pollsters. I simply can’t understand how polling companies come to such diverse predictions when each is based on the same raw data.


  2. Andrew says he can’t understand the diverse predictins of polling companies.

    We can.

    Who do you think funds the polling comanies?

    There is no regulation against Political Parties or others with a political, or indeed any other interest, bunging those companies a load of dosh to put out false information. Clever tactics to trick the tactical voters.

    Trickery is afoot.


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