East Devon Tories don’t want development in Cranbrook to be controlled by a “politically motivated” town council!

Reading between the lines it seems to suggest that people in Cranbrook will be left to find their own money for their own projects especially as

“The Economic Development Strategy recommends that we work with the community enterprise company [in Cranbrook], because it has greater access to funding, is able to conduct business and enterprise activity more freely than a town council and is not politically motivated.”

So, EDDC Conservatives don’t want development in Cranbrook controlled by a town council – interesting!  Seems that polling might have shown that many people in Cranbrook might well not vote Tory or think the East Devon Tory Way!

Or perhaps their strategy is that ALL town councils should be replaced by an “Economic Development Strategy” – maybe on the lines of the Local Plan’s concentration on “high economic growth”.

Source: http://www.theexeterdaily.co.uk/news/local-news/enterprise-development-strategy-cranbrook


One thought on “East Devon Tories don’t want development in Cranbrook to be controlled by a “politically motivated” town council!

  1. From Exmouth’s experience Town Councils can do nothing to prevent inappropriate development, they can only give recommendations. Of course if they are of the right political colour they can do like Exmouth Town Council did during the last district/town council campaign and hold three planning meetings at each of which “Urgent” status was given to helping a McCarthy & Stone application get over a few hurdles. Never mind that this contradicted the promises on the tories election leaflets and never mind any notion of election purdah, lets help it along and let them demolish the main building even though this dishonestly wasn’t named on the planning application.


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