What is going on at Queen’s Drive Exmouth?

From Cabinet Agenda papers for meeting on 6 January 2016:

Queen’s Drive update

“AH [Alison Hayward, EDDC] gave an update on the Queens Drive development. She reported that she had been involved with a litigation process in Court in Exeter and Bristol which had lasted 10 days. This was regarding obtaining vacant possession for two sites at Queens Drive that were essential for the delivery of the scheme. This litigation had slowed the delivery process for the development. There was also an issue of using car parking spaces for compounds for the work as these would be needed in the summer months for car parking spaces for visitors.

The Board noted that the decision from the court case would not be available until January 2016. However, Grenadier Estates were moving their reserved matters planning application forward for the road, car parks and compound

The Board wished to thank AH for the work she had carried out at Queens Drive on behalf of the Council and also the amount of time she had spent in the witness box. ”
AH would pick up all the relevant items for a press release. It was acknowledged that the Communications Department needed to be strengthened to avoid problems of misinformation and improve the Council’s marketing of the Regeneration agenda. “

Click to access combined-final-cabinet-agenda-060116.pdf