“No District Councils in Ten Year’s Time”

An extraordinary revelation by Cllr Ken Potter at last night’s Newton Pop parish council meeting.

He said in his report that he attended a recent meeting of the Local Government Association to discuss the future of post offices.

The meeting was addressed by a minister who predicted that within ten years “there would not be a single free-standing district council left”.

Several astonished members of the public tried to ask why, then, was EDDC planning to spend many millions building a new HQ, but the Chair moved on to discuss Himalayan balsam in the Otter.

4 thoughts on ““No District Councils in Ten Year’s Time”

  1. Q: “Why, then, is EDDC planning to spend many millions building a new HQ?”

    Please add your own answers here, with a small prize for the most humorous, ironic or potentially truthful one.


  2. In answer to Paul,

    A: Because they are too ashamed to admit that between 2007-2011 they spent a king’s ransom of our money fighting being integrated into a Unitary Devon – purely to protect their own political skins and the jobs of the senior officers.

    And now they’ve realised that with the economic downturn (which was ALREADY HAPPENING back then) they will imminently have no alternative whatsoever than to integrate anyway. Only now they are doing it in an underhand way, without a mandate, and defying the Information Commissioner.


  3. Is EDDC facing dissolution?
    Strange how senior officers job share with South Somerset while it’s IT service is linked up with Teignbridge and Exeter.
    Will there be anything left in the district after the council builds a new HQ in Greater Exeter?
    As the district council is so evidently failing surely the simplest way to save public expenditure is to remove the triple layer of local bureaucracy by dissolving EDDC.
    In which case why is the ED ratepayer expected to underwrite the vanity HQ project when EDDC has lost the trust of the residents and is vanishing before our very eyes?
    What are we paying for – surely a case of the king’s new clothes if ever there was one.
    Graham Sidmouth


  4. Perhaps it’s on their “One Hundred things to do before you die list” After all, there is no accounting for other peoples’ quirky aspirations!


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