Why is East Devon’s MP cherry-picking only his own community hospitals to save?

Hugo Swire says he is “fighting for” Exmouth and Sidmouth community hospitals. Though his idea of fighting for them whilst suggesting the NHS must economise, is somewhat disingenuous.

Neil Parish, whilst fighting for his own, says MPs should also be fighting for all of them.

Parish is right.

What happens if you live in Sidmouth and Exmouth and Sidmouth hospitals are full?

What happens if you live in Swire’s constituency and yet your nearest community hospital is in Parish’s constituency?

What happens if your hospital is closed because of infection? What happens if your hospital is closed for repairs?

What happens if the RD and E has a major incident on the M5 or Exeter Airport and has to ship out the least ill patients to other areas to cope?

People do not live in isolation and do not get sick in “efficient” places.

We need ALL our community hospitals for ALL of us everywhere.

Though East Devon’s MP, living as he does in mid-Devon and usually in the constituency on the odd Friday (when he fills his diary with photo opportunities and meetings from which he excludes the district’s county councillor) will quite likely never experience these choices.

One thought on “Why is East Devon’s MP cherry-picking only his own community hospitals to save?

  1. Some possible reasons:

    1. He knows that he is never going to win more funding, and some hospitals will have to lose their beds (or as we normal people would say “close”). So if hospitals have to close, it should be other constituencies, any constituency other than his. Nothing to do with logic, or analysis of impacts, or needs. Just so long as they are not in his constituency and won’t affect his votes and his chances of retaining his seat.

    2. If hospitals still close in his constituency, he can wring his hands and say that he tried his best.

    3. By accepting the cuts in funding and not making major waves, he keeps he record sheet clean with the party leadership, maximising the chances of his return to the front benches (even if it is at the expense of the colour of his nose).

    I leave it you you to decide how likely these are. And if you disagree, please post your own reasons.


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