The Local Plan is now ready to depart from Sidmouth …

The agenda for the December 6th DMC meeting makes an interesting read. Two very contentious applications are being considered.

First: The Pegasus Life, Sidmouth scheme is, to quote a planning officer-

“A DEPARTURE FROM THE LOCAL PLAN, providing apartments with extra care in excess of the allocation or requirements of the plan, it therefore makes a meaningful contribution to housing delivery on a largely brownfield site.”

Second: The Syon House, Frogmore Road, East Budleigh scheme is, to quote again-

The application represents A DEPARTURE FROM ADOPTED POLICY as the proposal does not fully accord with Strategy 35 in that a lower than 66% affordable housing provision is proposed.”

It makes Owl think that council tax payers should wonder why East Devon District Council spent a lot of time, money, tears and effort to finally get a local plan adopted just to DEPART from it less than a year from adoption.

2 thoughts on “The Local Plan is now ready to depart from Sidmouth …

  1. Equally to the point is what the rules are for arbitrary departures from the Local Plan.

    Can any planning officer recommend, at any time and without any approvals needed, a departure from a Local Plan that has been approved by the Full Council and the Planning Inspector?


    • I also thought that the whole purpose of the plan was to ensure a consistent approach to planning across East Devon.

      Arbitrary departures from the plan whenever a planning officer fancies it not only leads to a lack of consistency, but it also opens the council up to suggestions of corruption.


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