Speak truth to power – or watch chickens coming home to roost

Guardian letters

• Rather predictably, following James Munby’s “blood on our hands” outburst, the NHS “identified a bed” for the suicidal 17-year-old, leaving him to claim, probably correctly, that NHS England would not have acted “as effectively or speedily” without his “outspoken warnings” (Judge’s plea as suicidal teenager is found refuge, 8 August). With new crises being highlighted almost daily, the latest being the closure of maternity wards, and pregnant women being “pushed from pillar to post”, Munby’s example should be followed (Maternity wards closed 400 times as shortage of beds and staff grows, 8 August).

At a time when the “austerity chickens” are coming home to roost, and Labour protests are not always getting the media attention they deserve, he cannot be the only dignitary to be appalled by the current situation. Is it not incumbent upon all judges, archbishops, lords, and even some “celebrities”, to make their voices heard? If the “brand” is indeed to be “reinvented”, royals also could be doing more than “championing mental-health charities” (The royals, a brand reinvented by the millennial generation, 5 August).”


One thought on “Speak truth to power – or watch chickens coming home to roost

  1. When quite rightly, a bed at last was found for this distraught suicidal young woman, it crossed my mind as that some other desperate soul was probably ‘moved on’. This government has a lot to answer for. there are simply not enough beds; not enough doctors nurses, not enough facilities; not enough money; not enough concern from our government or leaders of the NHS.


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