Austerity – not at East Devon District Council!

The employee statistics for EDDC make very interesting reading. It can be hard to work out what is going on, as structural changes such as the creation of Strata, or the transfer of traffic wardens to DCC, can distort the numbers.

However, between May 2015 and March 2016, the number of staff measured by full-time equivalent has increased by 23. And the number of new starters exceeds staff leavers by a whopping 34.

The cost of 23 full-time staff, when all the extras are taken into account could be of the order of £1 million per annum. Has this been budgeted for?

And, of course, the new HQ at Honiton is going to have to be substantially bigger, and therefore more expensive, to accommodate all those extra people.

Since relocation was first proposed, and the HQ space needs assessed, the number of full-time equivalent staff appears to have risen by about 50.

4 thoughts on “Austerity – not at East Devon District Council!

  1. I’m not an East Devon local but stumbled across your website. Have to congratulate you and all your followers for holding the Council to account with your blog. Sadly there isn’t enough of this going on up and down the country.

    I’ve had some (rather disappointing) dealings with EDDC councillors in the last few weeks so can understand where you are coming from.

    My new blog covers the workings of councils across the council so feel free to take a look/ get in touch –


    • Thank you from the Owl, who is a prophet without honour in its own district, and who has already enjoyed your book!


      • Pleased you liked the book….sadly the more I talk to people the more it seems like the tip of a hefty iceburg…Volume 2 to follow…


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