And now, for our next LEP smoke and mirrors event …

From this month’s Heart of the South West LEP newsletter:

Another area of cross LEP partnership is the Nuclear South West partnership between HotSW, West of England, GFirst LEPs and Business West. Set up with the aim to build business legacy on the existing opportunities in the nuclear sector on the back of Hinkley Point C; but not exclusively related to Hinkley. We’ll have more news on the progress of this new initiative next time.”

You want to know more about “Nuclear South West”?

Nuclear South West launched on 22 September, as a not- for- profit initiative to enable businesses to network, facilitate supply chain development, share knowledge and most importantly secure new business.
The launch was an opportunity, not only to explain how Nuclear South West will be responsive to the needs of its members, but for the industry to articulate what it wants out of this much-needed nuclear sector business platform.

The benefits of membership will include regular events and training, networking and partnering, information and intelligence, promotional opportunities and access to key industry areas, not only new build, but decommissioning and defence also.

Gareth Davies, Director of Davies Nuclear Associates said:

“The launch was a great success, perfectly timed on the back of the government’s loan guarantee of £2billion to help fund the construction of Hinkley Point C nuclear power station. With some 150 potential members in attendance, there is a real interest in getting the network off the ground and making it a success. We look forward to working with Business West and spreading the word about the vast range of future opportunities in the nuclear sector.”


The Launch
Nuclear South West launched on 22 September at Leigh Court in Bristol with some 150 potential members in attendance. Phil Smith (Business West) and Gareth Davies (Davies Nuclear Associates) told the crowds about the benefits coming up – including events, training, networking, partnering, information and intelligence, promotional opportunities and access to key industry areas.
What’s Next?
Our new membership offer has been set and we have a programme of events lined up.
We offer a simple rate structure, focusing on just 4 sizes of company based on turnover and if you join before 30 June 2016, we’re offering a 20% discount on rates.
Just fill out our simple application form and we’ll get back to you.”

So, it’s basically a subscription networking service that allows Business South West and Davies Nuclear Services to flog its wares to anyone who pays up to join.

Any wiser? However, it does mention that they are in partnership with Davies Nuclear Associates, which turns out to be a private management consultancy, whose website has one page which states:

“We help our clients grow their businesses in the UK energy sector.
We do this by providing specialist management consultancy support and insight.
Under construction.
Come back soon”

It seems a Gareth Davies owns the company and has done so since 2013, and yet it has no informative website, though Mr Davies is on Linkedin:

and the only other director is Simon Hayhurst, the Company Secretary on whom there is no information.

So, the LEP joins Nuclear South West which is really a joint venture between Business South West and Davies Nuclear Consulting to …. well, get other people to pay to join them with the promise that they will open doors to offer:

“Supply chain development from both sides – either developing the one you have or getting you into a new one.

Bringing business together to network and share knowledge.

Maximising opportunities to support regional growth.

Women in Nuclear – working with Women in Nuclear (WiN) network

Future talent – working with Young Generators Network (YGN) and Young Chamber to develop the talent to power our nuclear sector in years to come.”

Anyone see anything tangible taking place here that benefits us lesser mortals in Devon?

Answers on a postcard …