Swire too busy with Brexit to meet with worried Sidmouth businesses

“A meeting to discuss worries about rising business rates and other issues facing Sidmouth’s high street has been cancelled.

Businessman Steve Clark, of Rendevous, told the Herald that today’s (Thursday) event is called off as Sir Hugo Swire was not able to attend due to his Parliamentary commitments. …

Sir Hugo said he was unable to attend due to discussions on future trading post Brexit. …”


One thought on “Swire too busy with Brexit to meet with worried Sidmouth businesses

  1. Too busy with Brexit my arse!
    He is the quintessential Georgian Tory MP .
    He’s in it for himself , and cares little about how he goes about adding to his family fortunes, and that includes being complicit in selling murderous weapons to dodgy regimes.
    Brexit is what it is, a bloody shambles overseen by people without a clue, and Swire too is clueless.


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