Wainhomes: end of the road in Feniton – maybe …

From a local correspondent:

As Cllr Susie Bond has reported in her blog —


— Wainhomes’ efforts to sneak in 31 more houses onto its estate in Feniton have been kicked into the long grass -at least for now and hopefully for ever.

Notwithstanding really compelling arguments by the developer – e.g. it was just filling in some gaps and it would help tidy up the boundary of the estate as a result.

Yeah, right etc — East Devon District Council threw out their most recent proposal on the wholly reasonable grounds that this latest unwanted addition to Feniton represented unsustainable development, and that further building would impact adversely on the landscape.

It will be remembered that in 2011 Wainhomes wanted to build 150 houses on arable land outside the village; that was reduced to 50 (for which permission was given in 2012); then they applied for another 83; that was turned down; and then they applied for another 31, which has now been turned down also.

Fight for Feniton confidently predicts that Wainhomes – memorably described as “morally bankrupt” by Cllr Bond on BBC TV when it was discovered that the developer had conveniently forgotten to install attenuation tanks, as it was required to do on its site, to prevent yet further flooding in the village – will return.

Time this developer accepted the inevitable and tried building somewhere else. Such as on brownfield sites in towns where the jobs are.

Wainhomes in Feniton. Not wanted, not needed, not trusted.