Air pollution: move children and other vulnerable people out of Sidford?

Owl says:

Can you imagine the damage to the health of vulnerable people (including children) on current and future levels if roadside pollution if Sidford and in the AONB if Business Park goes ahead?

“Air pollution harms one in three children

One in three children in Britain is growing up with air pollution damaging their health, a study has found. About 4.5 million children, including 1.6 million aged five and under, live in areas with levels of particulate matter above what the World Health Organisation considers safe, according to the charity Unicef UK. Separate research has found that children are exposed to 30 per cent more pollution than adults when walking on busy roads because they are shorter than adults and nearer the exhaust pipes of vehicles, the environmental charity Global Action Plan, which commissioned the study, said.”

Source: Times p7, Sky News Online, Independent Online, Mail p34, Mirror p21, Guardian p22, Telegraph p7

One thought on “Air pollution: move children and other vulnerable people out of Sidford?

  1. Can you imagine what the residents of Colyford endure, twice a day every school day, with coaches from all over Somerset, Dorset, the other side of Exeter; about a dozen or more coaches also mini buses,plus parents cars sitting puffing out their toxic fumes twice a day for Colyton Grammar School; and nobody wants to know! That pollution must affect the children as much as the residents


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