East Devon: Vote Lib Dem or Labour – get Tory

Reposted comment:

“Here’s a letter I’ve just sent to local papers:

Tactical Voting or Confused.com?

I note that the Brexit Party is not fielding a candidate in the Devon East constituency. Is this by arrangement with Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party? Didn’t Boris tell us he wouldn’t enter into any such pact?

At the same time both the LibDems and Labour are standing, thus making a Conservative victory likely, as a look at the 2017 results indicates:

Hugo Swire (Con) – 29,306 (majority of 8,036)
Claire Wright (Independent) – 21,270;
Jan Ross (Labour) – 6,857;
Alison Eden (LibDem) – 1,468;
2 other Independents – 278.

As you can see, if the Labour and LibDem votes had gone to Claire Wright she would have won.

The LibDems are now happy to make a pact with Plaid Cymru and the Greens in order not to split the anti-Tory vote. Why then does the LibDem candidate not see that she cannot win from such a low base and why doesn’t the Labour candidate understand that he, too, is merely serving the Conservative’s ends?

So it’s a case of Vote LibDem or Labour and you get a Conservative.

Michael Temple”

How can Lib Dems have a Leader if she can’t lead?

Lib Dem Leader says it is up to local party groups to decide whether to put up a candidate – she can’t intervene.

A vote for a Lib Dem in East Devon is a vote for the Tories.

If the Leader of the Lib Dems can’t stop a Tory victory, surely “Leader” is an oxy-moron?

Watch out she’s behind you …

Lib Dems have no chance in winning East Devon. So, it begs the question: are they standing to ensure a Toeygets in again by splitting the non-Tory vote or simply to keep Claire Wright out … because? Or both?

“Patrick Kidd’s general election road trip: Watch out, they’re behind you!

Fat Charlie, the mascot of Little Chef, has been replaced by the Starbucks mermaid, the Olympic breakfast giving way to the mocha macchiato, and the long-loved Annie’s Tea Bar in the layby outside Honiton is now Emma’s Café. Yet as the A303 merges into the A30 on the second stage of my election road trip there is one thing that will surely never change: this Devon land east of Exeter will always be Conservative.

Or will it? Lace-rich Honiton, where the mayor, in a display of “no pain, no gain” philanthropy dating from the reign of King Stephen, throws piping-hot pennies at the people every July, has had Tory MPs since the 1880s, save for a 16-month hiccup in the 1920s. Neil Parish is surely safe with a 20,000 majority.

Head southwest, though, to Ottery St Mary, Sidmouth, Topsham and Budleigh Salterton and something different is happening. An independent anti-austerity councillor has come second twice in general elections in Devon East, cutting the Tory lead in 2017 to 8,000. With Labour 14,500 behind her and the Liberal Democrats losing their deposit last time, Claire Wright is now the opposition.”

Source: Times (pay wall)

Urban sprawl – Greater Exeter, Lesser East Devon

From a correspondent:

This correspondent had a beautiful sunny autumn drive through the villages of West Hill and Woodbury yesterday morning. Then the enthusiasm of conservative Cllr Philip Skinner for a “network of linked villages being built in the North West Quadrant area of East Devon” came to mind.

Has not East Devon sacrificed enough Grade 1 agricultural land to build Cranbrook? Were we not told that this sacrifice would be EDDC’s contribution to housing need?

Then we found that Ottery St. Mary was sacrificed.

Feniton was sacrificed.

Exmouth was sacrificed. I could go on.

And now we are told the villages of Poltimore, Huxham, Clyst St Mary, Clyst St George, Ebford, West Hill, Woodbury​, Woodbury Salterton, Exton and Farringdon would be most likely to be sacrificed.

Has the ward councillors of the above villages consulted their constituents? Are the constituents of Ben Ingham and Geoff Jung happy that Woodbury will join Cllr. Skinner’s “bigger vision”?

Why aren’t our independent councillors telling Exeter that East Devon has done their bit, they do not wish urban sprawl and it is now the other surrounding councils turn?